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MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U

R U IN ?

arriving: 6/24/24

- triple wide leg vegan leather body

- D ring pocket straps

- strap belts for leg adjustments

- deep utility front & hind pockets 

- double elastic waist 

- bottom hem adjustable bunjee chord locks

--  adjustable leg length: 42'inches


-- small medium waist width: 26 ┉ max stretch: 35'inches

-- medium//large waist width: 29 ┉ max stretch: 38'inches

-- large//xlarge waist width: 32 ┉ max stretch: 41'inches

Sighted & Made in Los Angeles California

⚇ )

MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
MECH • ACID DENIM (ʏʀᴜғᴏ) - Y R U
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